Monday, January 28, 2019

Cross Contamination anyone?

I don't know about you, but it always gets my blood pressure up when someone else says they'll make me and my kids something gluten free.  In my mind I think, is it worth explaining to them that if a food package says "gluten free" that doesn't mean it's safe for us to ingest? There are too many variables involved that make my head spin! Have you washed all your cooking utensils, pans and counters, most importantly your hands! Here's the kicker, even if you have washed all those, there's still a huge risk for cross contamination. Now don't get me wrong, I have been blessed with the most amazing friends who understand the seriousness of this disease and all that goes into it. I have entrusted them with this monumental task of cooking for my family, and not only was the food delicious but we didn't get glutenized. So hats off to you gals!
Back to my point, most people won't understand why we have to be so careful about what we put in our bodies, and that's okay.  I usually tell them the symptoms are kind of like food poisoning, and it's not worth it for us to get sick over your gluten free pumpkin pie you made especially for us.  I've had to get good at saying 'Thank you but no thank you.'
I love it when someone comes up to me and asks me why I can't have what everyone else is eating.  That is how they become more informed and then when they come across another celiac they can say "I do understand why you are this way." You're welcome.
Another type of contamination I want to point out (I get a lot of peculiar looks with this one), is airborne gluten. Unfortunately a few celiacs I have come across actually get seizures from going down the bread aisle of a grocery store.  I get really sick if I'm in the same room as pizza, or pie, or anything that's super full of gluten. I can't begin to tell you how many get-togethers I've gotten sick at just from being in the same house and thought afterwards that it isn't worth the threat to my health anymore. So I mostly avoid any type of food gathering now. Let people think I'm anti-social or weird! I want to live to see my kids grow up, and I want them to be healthy too!

On a side note, why do we in America make every social gathering about food?!
And another thing, the very first thing I learned about cross-contamination; throw out your plastic colander.  I don't know the science behind it, but basically the gluten clings to the plastic and no matter how much you clean it, it's not going to be safe to use.  So if you're still symptomatic and kept your old plastic colander, let it meet your trash can.

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